Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Molars

     My son recently complained that his teeth hurt.  He wanted me to check if he had cavities.  He has excellent oral hygiene therefore he has very good teeth, save for one front tooth that turned brown after he tripped, again, while playing in the garden.  
      Verdict.... it isn't a cavity! I knew it!  His first permanent molar is slowly pushing its way hence, the tender gums.  A teaspoon of paracetamol for the pain should do the trick.  The first permanent molars, usually in the lower jaw, erupt at about 6-7 years of age.  Most parents  miss this because they do not replace any baby tooth.  First permanent molars come out in the space after the baby molars so the mommies and the daddies think their kids have had them since age 3 and that they, like the rest of the baby teeth, would fall out.  They go, "eat all the candy you want baby, you'll grow new ones anyways".  So when they finally see the dentist, but only after the kid's cheek gets swollen, they are told, "I'm sorry but your son's first permanent tooth needs to be pulled out", mommies go, "Whaaaat! He doesn't have any permanent tooth, they're all  baby teeth cause no tooth has ever fallen out.  How did that happen?" 
     Moral of the story, as soon as your son turns 2, visit your friendly neighborhood dentist... Or you can come to me (shameless plugging)!  She (or I) can check the oral condition of your child; whether there are cavities, usually nursing bottle caries; advise you on oral hygiene or interceptive treatment if necessary; or simply just so your child can get used to a dental visit.  And please, please do not use dentists name in vain.  Please don't scare your kids, "if you don't behave i'll bring you to the dentist so he will pull out your teeth!"  If you do, then do not appear shocked why your child keeps screaming during his dental appointment, or he refuses to open his mouth.
    Remember, dentists are friends, not enemies.  
    Now, open your mouth please.


Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm Back

     I've been away awhile... actually quite a long while... 2 months short of 1 year absence. I wanted to write about a lot of things like american idol, summer in the Philippines, my zit, my son's moving up ceremony to grade 1, etc etc etc.  My literary muse left me for a time so i ended up just talking to myself.  And playing fb games of course.
     Let's see, let me begin with something that's been bothering me for sometime.   My zit.  Well, not really acne, but my less than porcelain-like skin. Yeah so i'm vain, so is my helper, who isn't?  At least i'm realistic, i do not aim for Gretchen Barretto's face, though it's my wish upon falling stars, but i would really like to have invisible pores and smooth glowing skin sans make-up.  Unfortunately, i am allergic to most products, either makeup or cleansers, which is frustrating.  And my derma visits have been few and far between because i haven't been satisfied with the results of late.
       Pre-baby,  i had dewy, rosy skin courtesy of Let's Face It, but i can't achieve the same results with the same products now, 7 seven years later.  Is my skin tougher, i wonder? I tried diamond facials and glycolic peels with another derma, plus the nightly ritual which i dislike, but my pores still stare at me.  When i tried the trial kit from Avon, they really are affordable and they worked for my officemates, i grew zits the size of mung beans!  No Fair! So I shifted to Neutrogena blackhead eliminating cooling toner hopefully to tighten these stubborn pores, but without luck.  My son, while watching a tv commercial suggested that i try Pond's so i wont look old.  It bothered me that he didnt want me to look old even if i should have been more disturbed that he knew about Ponds' in the first place.

     Anyways, I've been using Pond's clear solutions anti bacterial facial scrub with herbal clay for three days now.   Good news, no zits. Less oil.  Open pores, Check. Will get back to you in a week.  Meantime, off to mundane things like work.